The Alternative Voyage

my road less traveled

musings from a road less traveled

Adventures and misadventures traveling the globe

Un Petit Mariage Français (A Little French Wedding)

Getting married, French style
After proposing to Nathalie when we visited Wineglass Bay in Tasmania, we were married yesterday half a world away in Luc sur Mer, France. So it's now official that I am the luckiest man in the world to be married to such a beautiful, charming and loving woman. We have shared so many adventures together already that would fill a normal lifetime. I ...
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Our Tour de France Adventure

Our Tour de France Adventure
Well we had a day that we can tell our grand children about. It started off with me wanting desperately to drive the 70km ​ from our home to Utah Beach to watch the finish of Stage 1 of the 2016 Tour de France. After all, it's not every day the TDF passes through your neighborhood. Nathalie wasn't so keen but off we went.  The event is so big ...
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Jonathan Ross The Big Lap - Sailing Around Australia
22 June 2020
Good luck with that Len. How long are you looking to take? What sort of boat? It's an epic trip for ...
Guest - Len Easther The Big Lap - Sailing Around Australia
22 June 2020
i am looking at sailing around australia beginng at my home port , Port Vincent South Australia
Guest - Brice Fauchier Un Petit Mariage Français (A Little French Wedding)
26 November 2018
j adore !!!! Superbe couple , Charme , elegance et Alegria !!tudo bonito !!! Beijinhos !! Brice